Friday, November 13, 2020

Single Tag Search and Default search in

When it comes to Single tag Searching in, it is really a Mess.
The reason for this mess, there is limited Tags in the Tags section whereas you will find more tags in the hentai manga.

For Example: Anal tag is present in Manga but not in Tags Section.

No "anal" Tag in Tag Section

"Anal" Tag in Hentai Manga

But apart from this, there is a Way that you can successfully search the single tags i.e. with the help of the search Bar.

Lets us consider an Example like I want to search the "anal" tag, there is no "anal" tag in the 
Tag Section, so "How would I Procced?

Step 1 --> I will write the "anal" in the search Bar and Hit Enter.
This will display me all the manga's which "anal" keyword in the Hentai manga name or Hentai manga containing the "milf" tag.
So, we can say that the above search is kind of Default search in checks Words containing in each and every manga).

Step 2 --> Once the result is displayed, select any Random manga --> open it --> select the "anal" tag from that random manga and you will get all the hentai Manga's which has "anal".
So, this is the only method about "Searching Single tags in"

This ends Single Tag Search and Default search in



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