Saturday, November 14, 2020

Important Things about is one of the best Hentai manga paid Sites Like Fakku which provides premium content to the users.
Well, the premium content is not as exotic as Fakku but it is still best on its level.
Well, lets us divide the Doujins Important things into Pros and Cons.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Single Tag Search and Default search in

When it comes to Single tag Searching in, it is really a Mess.
The reason for this mess, there is limited Tags in the Tags section whereas you will find more tags in the hentai manga.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Multiple Tags Search in

Well, Lets be transparent over here, does not support multiple tags searching. So "why the fk, I have created this post??"
Well, there is a way to do Multiple tag search in but that will not give you 100% Desired Results. So, its better to give it a try rather than searching through 100's of Hentai manga's .

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Excluding Tags, Blacklist, Whitelist tags in

Excluding Tags is one of the main  aspects in Taging.. .As Doujins does not support Tag Search, "How would I exclude Tags??", Silly me...LOL.
If you want to exclude tags every now and then the site is pretty useless for you, is it??
There can be one way where you can Exclude and Include tags but it just warns acts as a Highlighter. It is via Blacklist and Whitelist tags.

BlackList & WhiteList Tags in

Step 1 --> Login to you account --> Go to Account near the search Bar.


Step 2 --> scroll down until you see "Blacklist & Whitelist" Textbox.

Scroll until you find this Box

Step 3 --> on typing the text a drop down will appear, select the tag from that drop down.

Drop Down appears after typing some text

Step 4 --> once all is done, Click on update List.

Don't forget to click on update List

Step 5 --> Exclude will be highlighted as opaque whereas Include tags will be Highlighted in Yellow.
